Coming home

After a refreshing sabbatical in Europe—tasting all the treats, soaking in the sights and immersing in the culture — I am back home in Southern California.

I am beyond grateful for the time I had abroad and at the same time so thankful to come home to a place I love and enjoy. Not just the part of the world I live in, but the apartment I share with my sweet cat and the community that I belong to: these are all blessings.

When I return from traveling, I always come home with new eyes. Exploring my town like I’m a tourist. Adventuring out in nature or catching the sunset becomes more habitual. I also take more photos of the little things I notice.

I have brought back all that I have learned on this trip abroad, and the gained confidence and sense of security I have in myself from being able to be on my own. My first week back was full of hikes and coffee shops with friends, as well as balcony hangs with my kitty and morning beach walks. Easing into summer and focusing on my well-being and job search.


Trust your gut


A moment of truth