Life in the West End

Today is a week exactly that I have planted back in London, and it has been a roller coaster of a week. It took me a few days to settle into my Airbnb cottage in the beautiful Hampstead area (which I’ve now coined the Beverly Hills of London). I quickly realized everyone’s reaction to where I was staying, “ooo fancy!” “wow, nice!” and after exploring a bit, I got what they meant. I originally choose this borough to call home for a month because it was one of the few Airbnb stays that accepted cats—and at the time of planning my trip I was thinking of taking Nala along with me—that didn’t end up happening, but I decided to still stay in this cottage because it was said to be in a wonderful area. Also, the host was so lovely to communicate with, and they ended up being the sweetest and most accommodating hosts anyone could ask for!

I’m staying in a small cottage in the backyard of a classic red brick Victorian home. I wake up to a symphony of songbirds and the bright morning light radiating through the windows. I lay down and watch the clouds float by in the two large skylights above my bed. Being surrounded by a beautiful garden and the natural sounds of owls, toads and even seeing foxes, has been wonderful for my mental health. My cousin’s first impression upon seeing the house on a clear moonlit night with a few dreamy clouds was, “This is where Peter Pan came! In that window. And Nana would have been tied up right here!” It’s so true. I’m so glad she gave me that perspective. It’s a pretty magical place.

On my second day in this high-end neighborhood, my phone got stolen off the tube, out of my jacket pocket :( It was an awful, violating feeling that had several challenging repercussions. “Getting your phone stolen would be the worst thing that could happen while traveling alone,” I said to my friend who was visiting the week before. “I would die,” I added dramatically. Well turns out, I didn’t die. Although it was painstaking at times. So much is tied to our phones. And in another country, trying to deal with this was not ideal, to put it very lightly.

However, I can be grateful for the timing of it, because my cousin came into London the next day and I needed a friend desperately! And a phone! She helped me get a new one on Facebook marketplace and I took the next 48 hours to run between phone stores, getting an international SIM card and setting everything up. Turns out everything I was logged out of (bank apps, Instagram, even Gmail) needed my phone number to confirm it was me via a text of call. Which I obviously couldn’t do! It was insanely frustrating. So having my cousin’s phone which could call international was super helpful. Also, just having her support and encouragement this week has been massive.

Since I left Spain, I was only alone for a solid 5 days in total, 3 in Amsterdam after my friend returned to the States, and 2 in London before my cousin came down from Newcastle. I have needed the support of my closest people during this time. After my 10-day solo adventure in Spain (which was perfect) the time had come for friends and fam. I made new friends this week too, attending a few meetings and church happenings like I go to back home. These gatherings helped me feel grounded as well.

Cheers to a new week, filled with much less anxiety, more nature walks and creative inspiration as I enjoy my next 3+ weeks left in London!


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Quick Euro girls trip