Giant eyes & gatos…oh my!
This giant cutie is named Mr. Günter
Paws down, this was the best museum exhibit I went to in Spain…sorry Picasso 😉 I felt like I walked into a mini Disneyland in the middle of Málaga.
The work of artist Javier Calleja, is wistful and playful, and my favorite thing is that he incorporates words in his art. Larger than life cats, pencils, colorful heads (as weird as it sounds) and even Mickey Mouse appear around every corner, making you feel like a little kid in a playground of surprises.
In an article I read about the exhibit, he said that he always accompanies drawing with words and gestures because this makes the work “make you think, feel and imagine.”
His bright and childlike perspective can be seen throughout the exhibit which takes place in the city center at the Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja or Málaga Cultural Center Foundation. There are signs that zig zag throughout the Cultural Center as you follow the exhibit and even paw prints to help guide your way. Enjoy some of the fun creations from the imagination of Javier in the photos below!
I left feeling happy - skipping to my next destination. I think it was the juxtaposition of the wide-eyed colorful creations against the centuries old historical structure that made this exhibit feel special. Peep the little guy to the left blowing the giant balloon!